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Samsung Dual Fold Display Breakthrough: Unveiling the Revolutionary ‘Rollable Flex’ at CES 2024

Samsung has revealed a groundbreaking new Samsung dual-fold display technology at CES 2022 in Las Vegas that could reshape how consumers interact with screens. Dubbed the ‘Rollable Flex,’ the display leverages novel sliding and folding mechanisms to expand to five times its original size with the flick of a switch. 

This versatile innovation marks a significant departure from Samsung’s previous foldable offerings, exemplified by Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5, which utilize a dual-screen design. 

Image Credits: Dani4575

According to company executives, the Rollable Flex is primed for mainstream adoption following extensive durability testing that subjected early prototypes to challenging real-world conditions over prolonged periods. Should Samsung successfully commercialize this rollable format at scale, it could presage a new era of dynamic, adaptive displays with unprecedented functionality that adjusts seamlessly to users’ shifting needs.

Durability and potential applications

At its CES keynote this week, Samsung provided a glimpse into the future of bendable mobility, showcasing an exploratory dual-flexible prototype with a display capable of folding in either direction. Dubbed the ‘In&Out Flip,’ the experimental handset leaves onlookers awestruck with its apparent resilience according to grueling assessment. 

The dual-fold display endured folding cycles without cracking in climate chambers, simulating the full spectrum of thermals from polar outskirts to tropic steam baths. Elsewhere, impacts from sand, water, and basketballs failed to faze it, staying svelte and snappy throughout. With such formidable fortitude, the In&Out Flip could transform phones and whole tablet categories. 

While Samsung offered few logistical particulars, the breakthrough two-way Samsung dual-fold display technology further promises to dissolve boundaries between rigid devices. If commercialized, bendable screens may see applications stretch the imagination as skins conform comfortably to any form factor or use case.

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Unique Features in Samsung’s Foldable Display

Tech titan Samsung has taken foldable smartphone innovation to the next level with its new ‘Flex In and Out’ device showcased at Mobile World Congress. Equipped with a revolutionary 360-degree flexible screen, the handset can be bent in either direction for seamless two-sided interactivity – a first for Samsung’s pioneering foldable lineup. 

In a major upgrade over predecessors like the Galaxy Z Flip and Fold series, the Flex In and Out’s innovative bi-directional hinge mechanism allows for full rotation of the supple display. This delivers unmatched versatility and multifaceted usability compared to rigid, static displays of conventional smartphones. 

With its industry-leading R&D capabilities, Samsung has subjected early production models to stringent testing in climate chambers replicating diverse environments from sub-zero winter extremes to summer heat waves. This strenuous evaluation ensures the foldable’s flexibility holds up under widely varying real-world conditions regardless of location. The Flex In and Out heralds an exponential leap for foldable mobility.

Samsung put its revolutionary ‘Rollable’ dual-fold display through its paces at CES 2022, subjecting the flexible screen to a barrage of punishing endurance tests. In a dramatic demonstration sure to assuage durability concerns, company researchers sent the display smashing into the hardwood – with a basketball thrown at full force – to illustrate its formidable impact resistance. 

Shockingly, the Rollable emerged entirely unscathed, and its slick scrolling performance was unaffected. Earlier, in an outdoor setting mirroring real-world environments, the display proved defiantly impervious to sand and water, expanding and contracting fluidly even when saturated or grain-caked. 

Observers were stunned at its tenacious functionality in adversity. Teaming up with the Rollable’s multipliable surface, the company also showcased a modular VR headset prototype for seamless integration. Together, this dynamic duo promises to usher in an unprecedented era of resilient, adaptable technology matching our digitally nomadic lifestyles.

Image Credits: Kenneth C. Zirkel


Samsung’s ‘Rollable Flex’ is a breakthrough in display technology as its dual-fold design stretches five times larger. In&Out Flip highlights how tough and durable Samsung devices can be, making it through the toughest conditions. Flex In and Out presents foldable phones reaching new heights, featuring a bi-directional hinge for ultimate versatility. Samsung innovations redraw user interactions, indicating a new era of displays.


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